5 reasons why trying to understand others will make your life so much happier

Understanding others. This is a quality that only few of us possess and even fewer actually use to our advantage. And understanding is not meant in that aspect where you have to listen to made up stories or unreasonable excuses, it is rather meant that you observe others and then interpret their actions.

Little hints that can mean many different things but all point to one trait of character, that help you understand why a person acts the way he or she does, even though it might be impossible to recognize at first glance. Little things you can find out about them, that they might not even know themselves or would never tell anyone (while sober).

1. You are never taken by surprise

Wouldn’t that be great? Not having to always be surprised by the actions of other. If you pay attention to them beforehand, you will most likely be able to predict something long before it will happen. And in case it is threatening you or the acting person, you will be able to do something about it. A really good way to observe others, is by reading body language.


But not only body language will give clues on other people’s feelings. The way they dress, their hobbies, their favorite music genre, their list of priorities, etc. all of this gives a great deal of information on the other person. As long as you are observant and process the information they accidentally give you, you will never be taken by surprise.

2. You don’t get overwhelmed by feelings such as hatred

“I think that hate is a feeling that can only exist where there is no understanding.”
Tennessee Williams

So negative emotions are something nobody likes. Whether it is hatred, envy, frustration, doubt or sadness, they usually only cause confusion and unnecessary conflicts. If you try to understand somebody through observing them, you might get your answers much faster than by simply asking and in the end being served a lie. Communication always has to do with empathy. If you put yourself in the same position and think about what you would do if you had the limited point of view the other person has, then you will find yourself coming to conclusions you might have overlooked previously.

3. You learn to forgive others because you see a little bit of yourself in them

In case you should encounter someone that is bullying you/ treating you badly, you might recognize that they usually have the same problems you do, but process them differently. Take a homosexual individual for example. There are still people out there that don’t know how to deal with their own sexuality, maybe because of badmouthing in the family, maybe because of other factors. If such a person encounters another homosexual individual that might be more open or simply normal about it, he/she might feel challenged by that normality and act abusive in conclusion. The person sees the other as their “bad” part, that they want to hide from others, which leads to the violence.

I’m not trying to say, that we should all forgive our bullies. But knowing this perspective will give us the chance to understand them and later maybe even forgive them.

4. You are never called skin-deep


Since you always think ahead and don’t just judge people depending on their outer appearance, it is impossible to call you skin-deep. You try to dig deeper than the average person, resulting in a better understanding for humanity.

5. You can avoid mistakes because you have seen others make them

It is possible that this is a rather selfish  reason but what can we do but learn from the mistakes others made. Since you have two different viewpoints on a person through careful observance, you have a better understanding of a problematic. Two viewpoints as in the way you see that person and the way the person sees him/herself. If you now should find yourself in a similar situation you can recall the feeling and perspectives and then conclude what to do next. There might be a back door that you can only see with some distance, and that you only use when you know about it.


Please tell me if you agree with this list. (^_~)


10 reasons why adventurous people are the happiest

Adventuresomeness comes in many different shapes and sizes. It can be a road trip, a hook up with a total stranger, the food of a different culture or maybe just the courage to do the thing one truly wants. So if you are adventurous you might relate to the following.

1. You have so much more self-confidence


During your adventures you most likely had to face the person you are. You have most likely gotten to know you weaknesses as well as you strengths. You have learned to accept them and because of that you have confidence in the person you are. Others that have always just lived comfortably and safe, never had the need to fight with themselves like that.

2. People always call you mature while you are actually the biggest child of them all


Because of that uncommon self-confidence you might exude, people might think you are older or just very mature for your age. The funny thing in this aspect is, that adventurous people aren’t mature at all. An adventure is like a game that we are addicted to. We are just really good at hiding that inner child because we always need rational reasons to justify the things we do!

3. You smile a lot

Well true! You indeed do smile a lot which makes you a likable acquaintance. Because of the natural happiness that comes with adventures, you have no other choice but to smile it out and make the entire globe see it.

4. You see the world with different eyes


Because of your adventures that might seem rather unusual for an observer, you see things in a different light. You might know about the fragile line between life and death and how easy it can be overstepped. You might have experienced things that have completely changed the way you look at an aspect and this might have made you a more open-minded and fair human being.

5. Nobody ever tells you that you’re boring


Well, of course not! Who would dare. You always have a story to tell or another adventure to plan. You pull others into your world of weird fantasies that they might have never even considered.

6. You’re the weird one

And weirdness doesn’t necessarily have to be bad. You life is exiting. Normality is the poison that causes unhappiness and indifference. Let’s all be everything but ordinarily.

7. You know where your limits are

Because of you constantly trying new things, you know exactly where to stopp. You still have a lot of things to do in the future, so you don’t want to cross the line.

8. You’re passionate and love yourself


If you do something – you go all in. You have a passion for what you do. This passion also includes yourself. The primary goal of your life choices is to achieve happiness and that is only possible with you accepting yourself for who you are. At the same time this also gives you the chance of loving somebody else, because without loving and respecting yourself you can’t love somebody else as well. Furthermore you should be your first fan, don’t expect someone else to love you, when you can’t even do it yourself.

9. You’re closer to you dreams than anybody else

Your dreams are just another adventure to you. Fulfilling them is something you are not scared of doing. Moving forward is the only direction you go and you just look back to avoid making the same mistakes you did in the past. Dreams are reality to you and you intend to live them tomorrow as soon as the sun is up.

10. You show everybody your true character

Others usually try to fit in and are scared of people talking behind their back. But you’re different. Other people’s opinions don’t mean much to you and you continue displaying exactly you inner appearance on the outside. You really love the people around you and tell those, you don’t like, your thoughts to the face. You speak the truth which makes you a trustworthy friend and somebody that is comfortable in your own skin.

So when will you going to start your next adventure?

If you have any other ideas please feel free to leave a comment. (^_~)